These Damn Co-Pays

Let’s play out a scenario.

Here me out, you aren’t comfortable. Something is wrong and you go to see your lovely doctor. You tell them how you aren’t feeling well, they nod and list a few things you can do to solve this problem. You choose the medication saying that you’ve exhausted the other options.

So they prescribe you with a medication. They say this will help, it will solve your problem. You suddenly feel so relieved. Finally something might help you. The doc calls it in to your pharmacy. You leave the office happy.

Photo by Anna Shvets on

You get an alert on your phone saying your prescription is ready for pick up. You drive there ready for maybe a $30 copay.

The pharmacist then asks you if you are aware of the copay. You shrug and ask how much.


Your heart sinks, you want to cry because you just wanted that relief. And you sadly have to tell them to return it. You can’t afford it.

This scenario has happened to me twice now while being pregnant.

One was when I had horrible nausea and could barely keep anything down.

Second, which is now, is for a special antacid because I’ve tried it all and my doctor thinks this will work.

Well, when it happened the first time I found another option. I talked about it in my first trimester post if you want to check that out.

My issue is, the acid in my throat is only getting worse when I drink water. I have tried multiple different waters and they all give it to me. I don’t think I’ll have any relief until I have this baby.

Now, I must find yet another option when I feel like I’ve tried them all. The bottom line is, I feel like I’m not supported by the company that I pay every month to have my back when things like this happens.

Photo by Polina Zimmerman on

I hope you all enjoy my little rant. I haven’t posted in a while, but life gets busy when you are a working mom trying to balance everything.

Do you have any tips for other moms who need relief like me for heartburn? Leave your remedies in the comments or tell me what happened with you!


All I can think in my head is a camp song when it came to the word announcement and it sends me off to think it every time I hear it now!

Announcement, Announcement, Announcement!
When you are up, you are up! And when you are down, your down. And when you are only half way up you are either up or down!
Announcement, Announcement, Announcement!

You’d laugh at me if you were beside me as I typed this since I just hummed it while I did it!

Anyway, my great news is…. drum roll please!


Photo by Ilzy Sousa on

I have finally scheduled my caesarean section for my baby boy! So if he doesn’t want to come out before hand, which I really hope he doesn’t since I want him to cook for as long as he can is…

June 1st, 2020!

To me, it sounds so weird that unless he comes out sooner, I know that is his birthday for the rest of his life. So, a Gemini baby he will be. I can’t wait to meet him and get to know his personality!

Okay, that’s it folks, that’s my big announcement. (take a shot of chocolate almond milk for every time I have said announcement in this post!) I hope you are just as excited as I am for this great news!

Living the Scatterbrained Life

I think I have become a bit of a scatterbrain since I’ve gotten pregnant. I’m not sure how to focus my feelings lately never mind my thoughts and actions!

Everyday is a new thing I’ve found myself doing or have done and shake my head and feel out of it. I’m living with a thick fog in my head, not being able to grasp one thing for too long. Even writing this is tough. Trying to focus on thoughts and arrange them to make sense to others seems so difficult for me. Something I had taken for granted.

For instance, today I left an entire brand new gallon of milk on the counter before I left for work. I feel like an idiot doing that. I’m kicking myself in the butt for doing it. But it happened and I have to move past it. There is always something. Another day this week I left my daughters water bottle for preschool at home. I lose things at work all the time too.

Misplacing things is my main thing . Can;t tell you how many times I’ve “lost” my phone. I also had an incident with a laundry card( you can find that on my twitter). I swear nothing seems to work, not lists or anything because it was just putting something down for a moment and then completely forgetting where I had put it.

How am I supposed to get through this? No idea. I just hope that once this baby is born I’ll be able to remember a bit more. Although, am I really going to be better? Is being sleep deprived going to be any better than pregnancy fog?

Thank you for taking the time to read this bit of a rant. Sometimes it’s just better to get it out of your head so you can start to feel better.

My First Trimester

I found out I was pregnant with this bundle of joy at the end of September 2019. I hadn’t even missed my period at that point. I just had that feeling. Some of you may know what I’m talking about. My husband didn’t think so, but I had one symptom that finalized it. No it wasn’t a missed period, tender breasts. That was my first symptom I couldn’t ignore. I really couldn’t.

I took a test and it was the most faintest double line. I started getting excited but knew I had to wait to miss my period. I was two days late when I took my second test that confirmed I was. My husband and I were over the moon excited. But we had to hide it from our family. Nerves kicked in for me.

I’ve had miscarriage before. It was unexpected pregnancy, and very early on after my missed period that I had found out. But I was. It was confirmed by a doctor that I had once been pregnant and that I was suffering from a miscarriage. It was painful mentally and physically.

So when I found out I was this time around, I wanted to hide it until the percentage of chance was lower. So we hide it at least from our daughter and family until I was further along, about 10-11 weeks.

Little did I know that the first trimester was going to be a rough one.

It started with just waking up with nausea about week 5-6. Not a big deal, I wasn’t that bad. But I work in a soup factory. The smell was unbearable and I couldn’t keep anything down while I was at work. At home, it wasn’t bad, just queasy and couldn’t eat anything too heavy or smell anything too strong.

I survived for two weeks on bland foods, crackers mostly. Lots of crackers. I also realized keeping a toothbrush and tooth paste at work was an amazing idea I had gotten from one of my coworkers who had figured it out early on.

When I finally was able to get to the doctors, she wrote my prescription. One that wasn’t covered by my health insurance. I wasn’t about to pay an arm and a leg for some relief. The sweet pharmacist told me of a combination of medicine that could work and was the same ingredients.

I looked it up, called my doctor and it was totally safe!

Unisome sleep & B6 Vitamin.

Take one of each before bed with your prenatal vitamins and it should work like a charm. It worked for me, for weeks and I loved it. Sure the sleep medicine made me a bit groggy the next day and since I worked in a soup factory, getting sick was inevitable. But I swear by it if you don’t work around a heavy smell.

For now I’m starting my second trimester, and all signs of morning(all day) sickness are gone. Once in a while I will feel sick, but the days are far in between. Instead currently I’m battling headaches. I’ll give an update later on for that.

For now, It’s a boy. We had found out through a blood test screening. He is healthy and I’m excited to meet him.